House Bill 2804, passed in 2015 by the 84th Texas
Legislature, established the Texas Commission on Next Generation Assessments
and Accountability. The commission,
appointed by the Governor, has held the first of six meetings that will develop
and make recommendations for new systems of student assessment and public school
accountability. The commission’s work
and presentation to the Governor must be completed no later than September 1,
In an effort to assist the commission in completing their
task of a review of the assessment and accountability system in Texas, the State
Board of Education, chaired by Donna Bahorich, is sponsoring a series of
Community Conversations around the state.
On February 16 and 17, meetings were held in Ft. Worth and Dallas and
were attended by educators, parents and community members and local businesses.
The purpose of these meetings was really threefold:
- Discuss the role of assessment and accountability
- Discuss the strengths and weaknesses of the current system
- Provide input to the Commission on areas to address
Regardless of their involvement as attendees, there was unanimity
in a number of areas, including a belief that testing is excessive and not
necessarily aligned with the goals of post-secondary readiness. There was a general consensus that testing
today is used as a punitive measure and not consistently focused on how testing
measures the outcomes themselves, specifically measuring whether students are
learning what they are being taught. One
statement made that was particularly alarming is that, “when the test is over,
nothing further is taught”.
The SBOE will be publishing the output of these discussions with a target date of the end of April. Those
of us interested in the direction of the discussion relating to assessments and
accountability (and all of us likely are) should closely monitor the
discussions, and take time personally to offer input to local legislators as
well as members of the Texas Commission on Next Generation Assessments and
Accountability. With the engagement of
all stakeholders, we can continue to Make
Education a Priority.
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