I am greatly encouraged by the discussion about vouchers (by
any name) that is picking up across the state from a very diverse group of
individuals and groups. Where once there
seemed to be somewhat of a reticence to challenge the continued push by the Lt.
Governor for what are now called Educations Savings Accounts (vouchers by any
name), many are now challenging some of the assumptions and highlighting the shortcomings
of any voucher proposal, specifically the one on the table now.
This is no longer simply a school choice or reform discussion. It has now evolved to a discussion of how
this conflicts with conservative principles, how it creates a potential for
segregation and how the lack of accountability creates an unfair playing field
when comparing public schools to other school choice options, among others.
Last week, Dr. Mike Moses, former commissioner of the Texas
Education Agency, responded to a Lubbock Avalanche-Journal editorial that
outlined a number of concerns about a voucher program: Dr. Moses’ letter to the editor can be found by clicking here.
His comments struck a chord with me on a couple of fronts. One is the reluctance on the part of private
schools to want to participate in a program that would force more
accountability on them. A second is the
fact that much of the discussion surrounding options other than public schools
fails to even include a discussion about accountability.
When you get down to it, challenging the push from the Lt.
Governor will require a cross section of individuals who are passionate about
public education to engage and have discussions with legislators. This effort is not one that will result in an
immediate change in thinking and approach for some but it is one that is having
an impact by raising the issues. On the
surface, the idea of school choice makes sense; after all, public schools are a
part of the school choice discussion already.
But there needs to be a serious and far reaching discussion about the
pitfalls and risks of proposals currently being discussed.
As I have written before, the legislature is divided on
their approach to vouchers (by any name).
The Senate traditionally has been more receptive to the concept of vouchers,
at least for those in power. What this
boils down to, again reflecting Dr. Moses’ comments, is whether the discussion
centers around party and individual principles or the opportunity to serve
those they represent. The House, on the
other hand, remains open to having a discussion about school choice and how to
best serve the needs of students.
This is not a cut and dry discussion. There are no right answers. But one thing is certain … the more open and
objective the discussion, the stronger the likelihood that the needs of the nearly
5.3 million students will be served. If
the discussion shifts from principles to needs of the student, the entire state
will be better served. This will require
a broad base of support and advocacy for public education as we continue to Make Education a Priority.
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