As I reflected on who to include in this blog series, the obvious next choice is House Speaker Joe Straus, recently named by the Dallas Morning News as “Texan of the Year". In an editorial on December 31, they headlined their recognition with “Courage of Conviction” and noted that, “House Speaker Joe Straus protected state from its worst political influences”; click here for the editorial. While he stood his ground on a number of issues, including the ill-conceived “bathroom bill”, he clearly understands the needs of the more than 5.4 Texas school children whose educational opportunities hinge on the ability and willingness of the legislature to address issues including funding and accountability. Despite head-on challenges and criticism from the Lt. Governor, he certainly held to his convictions.
Perhaps the most critical aspect of what he did was to continue to resist efforts to create private school vouchers (by any name). One can certainly argue that his opposition to the bathroom bill saved the state from losing countless dollars and that the speaker is more in tune with the needs of the business community than is the Lt. Governor. While this is important to him, his conviction to stand behind the needs of public education students will likely have an even greater long term impact on the economy and vitality of the State of Texas. Rather than simply “go along for the ride” with the Governor and Lt. Governor, Speaker Straus consistently demonstrated a willingness to lead, to articulate the rationale behind his actions and to build consensus irrespective of party lines.
Backing words with action, he has focused the attention of his peers on the economic competitiveness of the state. Instead of adopting a personal agenda that ignores the wishes of the public in general, his is an effort to see the big picture. At the top of the list is a focus on education as a stimulus for the economy. With Texas’ continued efforts to recruit companies to relocate to Texas, an educated and skilled workforce is paramount.
When Speaker Straus announced that he is not running for reelection to the House, he left a void that all of us have to continue to fight to fill. His actions and courage during the last session and special session made him an easy target for many but, through it all, he was consistent in his belief and support of causes that will help our public education students to be the cornerstone of Texas’ vitality and success. His courage should serve as inspiration for all of us to continue to make public education a priority.
Thank you, Mr. Speaker, for your contributions and your service. You certainly will be missed when the 86th legislative session convenes a year from now.
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